Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cabernet's Fine Whine Berkeley 5/3/1999 - 2/16/2008

Berkeley was our first vizsla and an amazing dog that has changed our lives forever. We were so blessed to have him with us for as long as we did.

Berkeley was diagnosed with cancer at only four years of age. We provided him with the best care and treatments available. That combined with his strong heart and spirit, enabled us to enjoy another four wonderful years with our boy.

Berkeley I miss you every minute of every day,  you will always be a part of me.

1 comment:

karenlake said...


What a touching tribute to Berkeley. It brought tears to my eyes and I never even met your special boy. The Vizsla spirit is so profoundly loving, they are the greatest dogs I've ever met. Each day you had with him was a gift.

May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.
